

경영위원회는 업무수행의 전문성과 효율성을 높이기 위하여 정관, 이사회의 규정에 따라 이사회가 위임한 사안에 대하여 심의하고 의결하는 이사회내 위원회입니다.
또한, 경영위원회는 본 위원회가 심의∙의결한 사안에 관한 회사의 업무 집행에 대하여 관리∙감독할 수 있습니다.


경영위원회는 관련 규정에 의거하여 사내이사 중에서 이사회의 결의로 선임하며 2인 이상 9인 이하로 구성할 수 있습니다.

  • 경영위원회는 현재 사내이사 4명으로 구성되어 있으며 위원장은 오세철 사내이사입니다.
경영위원회 위원
오세철 (위원장)


경영위원회는 필요에 따라 수시로 개최합니다.

  • 소집, 결의방법 및 관계인 의견청취 등 경영위원회 운영과 관련된 사항은 경영위원회 규정을 따름

주요 부의사항

  • 회사 경영의 기본 방침 및 정책
  • 중요한 신규사업 또는 신제품의 개발
  • 지점 및 법인의 설치∙이전 또는 폐지
  • 중요한 기술도입 계약 체결 또는 기술이전∙기술제휴
  • 중요한 신규 단일계약의 수주 또는 체결, 신규 단일판매 대행 또는 공급계약 체결∙해지
  • 중요한 유형자산의 취득∙처분, 차입계약체결, 타법인출자∙출자지분 처분
  • 기타 중요한 소송의 제기∙화해에 관한 사항 등

활동 내용

2024 Year

활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2024-05-31 1. Establishment of FFT Renewable Energy Subsidiary Approved
2. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2024-04-24 1. Establishment of the Romania Execution Branch Approved
2. Revision on the LTI Regulaions Approved
3. Report on the Usage of Samsung Trademark Contract Report
2024-04-09 1. Lease Contract Agreement Approved
2024-03-18 1. Senior Executive Recruitment Approved
2024-02-14 1. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2024-01-25 1. Payment of Incentives (2023 OPI, 6th term LTI) Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2023-12-19 1. Performance Evaluation and Incentive Payment for 2H23 Approved
2. Approval of External Donations Approved
2023-12-06 1. Singapore Vista C&I Global Capital Increase Approved
2. Tender for BESS Project in Canada Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2023-11-29 1. Approval of External Donations Approved
2023-10-25 1. Gimcheon Solar Power Plant 1,2 PJT Approved
2023-08-25 1. Establishment of Romania LLC Approved
2. Guaranty Agreement for Mexico Manzanillo LNG Terminal Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2023-07-26 1. Payment of Incentives (6th Long-Term Incentives) Approved
2023-07-18 1. Approval of External Donations Approved
2023-07-06 1. Evaluation of the Company’s Performance and Incentive Payment for 1H23 Approved
2023-05-26 1. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2. E&C, Common Apartment Housing Development in Songdo Station Sphere Approved
2023-04-26 1. E&C, Opening of Letter of Credit for CCPP Units Project 3,4 in Nhon Trach, Vietnam Approved
2. E&C, Establishment of Poland Subsidiary Approved
3. Approval of External Donations Approved
2023-04-13 1. Approval of External Donations Approved
2023-02-15 1. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2023-01-30 1. E&C: Establishment of Tokyo Branch Approved
2. CSO: Payment of Incentives (2022 OPI) Approved
3. CSO: Shift in the Payment of Long-Term Incentives Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2022-12-21 1. Resort, Establishment of Animal Diagnostic & Treatment Subsidiary Approved
2. Evaluation of the Company's Performance and Incentive Payment for the 2nd Half of 2022 Approved
2022-11-30 1. E&C, Saudi Regional Headquarter (RHQ) Establishment Approved
2. Approval of External Donations Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2022-10-26 1. Provision of Loan for Housing Improvement Project Costs Approved
2022-08-26 1. HQ guarantee for HQ Loan and Overseas Corporation Approved
2022-08-11 1. Approval of External Donations Approved
2022-07-06 1. T&I, Establishment of Samsung C&T Renewable Australia (Tentative Title) Approved
2. C&T, Performance Evaluation and Incentive Payment for the 1st Half of 2022 Approved
2022-05-25 1. E&C, Capital Increase of ECUK Approved
2..E&C, Provision of Loan for Housing Project Cost Approved
3. HQ guarantee for HQ Loan and Overseas Corporation Approved
2022-04-27 1. T&I, Disposal of Shares in Romania Solar PJT Approved
2. External donation plans for 2022 Approved
2022-04-15 1. E&C, Provision of Payment Guarantee for Housing Improvement Project Approved
2022-03-05 1. External Donations Approved
2022-02-16 1. E&C, KSA Neom Running Tunnel Bid in Saudi Arabia Approved
2. E&C, Uzbekistan Talimarjan 2 CCPP Bid Approved
3. E&C, Qatar QE IC PV Power Bid Approved
4. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2022-01-26 1. E&C: Establishment of Russia B/O & Liquidation of Corporate Approved
2. E&C: Provision of Payment Guarantee for Housing Improvement Project Approved
3. Payment of Incentives (2021 OPI, 5th Long-Term Incentives) Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2021-12-22 1. E&C: Vista C&I Global Capital Increase Approved
2. Evaluation of the Company’s Performance and Incentive Payment for the 2nd Half of 2021 Approved
2021-12-10 1.E&C: Additional Equity Investment in US NuScale Approved
2.E&C: Provision of Payment Guarantee for Housing Improvement Project Cost Approved
2021-11-24 1.Provision of Loan for Housing Improvement Project Costs Approved
2.Approval of External Donation Approved
3.Approval of External Donation Approved
4.HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2021-11-05 1. T&I Group, Disposal of Shares in Myodo Metal Approved
2021-10-27 1.E&C: Establishment of Southeast Asia Investment Subsidiary Approved
2. Qatar Facility E Desalination Plant Project Bid Approved
3. Restructuring of Turkey Gaziantep Hospital PPP Project Approved
4. Provision of Completion Guarantee for the New Construction of Hana Financial Group’s HQ Approved
2021-09-13 1. Saudi Tanajib Cogeneration & Desalination Project EPC Contract Approved
2021-08-25 1. Increase in the Guarantee Amount of Assumption of Obligations for Hanam Data Center Construction Project Approved
2. Vietnam CCPP Bid Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2021-07-28 1. Vietnam CCPP Bid Approved
2. Provision of Payment Guarantee for the Housing Remodeling Project Approved
2021-07-06 1. Evaluation of Company’s Performance and Incentive Payment for 1st Half of 2021 Approved
2021-06-23 1. E&C: NuScale (USA) Equity Investment Approved
2. E&C: Provision of Payment Guarantee for the Housing Remodeling Project Approved
3. T&I: Liquidation of Coal Trading Subsidiary in Indonesia Approved
2021-05-26 1. E&C: Manila South Commuter Railway Project Bid & Branch Office Establishment, Philippines Approved
2. E&C: Provision of Loan and Payment Guarantee for Housing Rebuilding Project Expenses Approved
3. Corporate: HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2021-05-04 1. E&C: Assurance on Assumption of Obligations for Hanam Data Center Project Approved
2. Fashion: Sale of ‘COLOMBO’ Business Approved
2021-04-09 1. E&C, Hong Kong Airport Runway No.2 Expansion Project Bid Approved
2. T&I, Uzbekistan-IFC Solar Photovoltaic Power Plant Project Bid Approved
3. External Donation Plans for 2021 Approved
2021-03-24 1. E&C, Participation in an Open Tender for the Busan MBC Site Approved
2021-02-17 1. Fulfillment of CDS Obligation for Bujeon-Masan Railway Project under Cash Deficiency Agreement Approved
2. CRL CR106 Metro Bid Project in Singapore Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2021-01-27 1. Opening a branch office at UAE Fujairah project site Approved
2. Payment of Incentives (2020 Performance, The 5th LTI) Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2020-12-23 1. Bidding for the project on Terminal 3 of the Taoyuan International Airport in Taiwan Approved
2. Evaluation of the company’s performance and incentive payment for the 2nd half of 2020 Approved
2020-11-25 1. UAE HVDC Power Transmission Construction Project Bid Approved
2. Payment guarantee of expenses following the bid for the housing rebuilding project Approved
3. HQ borrowing and guarantee for overseas subsidiary Approved
2020-10-27 1. Taiwan Construction Branch Office Opening Approved
2. The Settlement of US Fashion Corporation Approved
2020-10-06 1. Signing of a subcontract agreement on Vung Ang 2 power plant in Vietnam Approved
2020-09-18 1. E&C, Participation in Pangyo District Office Site Public Sale Approved
2. E&C, Qatar LNG NFE EPC-2 Bid Participation Approved
2020-08-27 1. E&C, Saudi Amaala Triple Bay Ph.1 Bid Submission Approved
2. E&C, Qatar Facility-E IWPP Bid Submission Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
4. Payment of the 5th Long-term Performance Incentives(LTI) Approved
2020-07-21 1. E&C, Assurance on Assumption of Obligations for Teachers’ Pension Seoul Center Project Approved
2. Fashion, Real Estate Disposal Approved
2020-07-03 1. Evaluation of the Company’s Performance and Incentive Payment for the 1st Half of 2020 Approved
2020-05-27 1. Payment Guarantee on the Housing Redevelopment PJT Approved
2. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2020-04-22 1. Saudi Qurayyah IPP : Equity Sales Approved
2020-03-25 1. Tender for Housing Redevelopment PJT & Lending PJT expenses Approved
2. Turkey Kirikkale Ipp Equity sales Approved
2020-02-26 1. Plans for Executing External Donations for 2020 Approved
2. Bid for Singapore Metro CRL CR 108 Approved
3. Lending PJT expenses for Housing Redevelopment PJT Approved
4. Cash injection of KL118 Bldg. in Malaysia Approved
5. Consolidation of Local subsidiaries in Canada Approved
6. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2020-01-28 1. Payment of 2019 Performance Incentives Approved
2020-01-22 1. Bidding for Singapore CRL CR101 Metro Depot Approved
2. Bidding for Qatar LNG NFE EPC-2 Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2019-12-30 1. T&I, Residual Equity Sale of Sakhalin Coal Mine Approved
2019-12-16 1. Report on the Company's Performance Evaluation and Incentive Payment for 2nd half 2019 Approved
2019-11-18 1. T&I, Establishment of Trading Subsidiary in Peru Approved
2. E&C, Loan Extension(Saudi Subsidiary) Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2019-10-23 1. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved
2. Report on the Operational Status of the Internal Accounting Management System Approved
2019-09-25 1. E&C, Increasing loan payment to cooperative for urban development project of Songdo railway station sphere Approved
2. E&C, Payment guarantee of housing rebuilding PJT expenses Approved
3. E&C, Bidding for UAE Fujairah F3 Combined Cycle Power Approved
4. E&C, Bidding for Bangladesh Meghnaghat Combined Cycle Power plant Approved
5. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved
2019-08-23 1. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved Approved
2. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved Approved
3. Approval of Donati Approved
2019-07-24 1. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved
2019-07-02 1. 2019 Company Performance Evaluation and Disbursement of Target Incentives Approved
2019-05-22 1. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2019-04-11 1. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved
2019-03-20 1. Issue regarding Samsung C&T's equity commitment to mixed-use building PJT at the northern area of Seoul Railway Station Approved
2019-03-18 1. Bidding for the Dhaka Airport in Bangladesh Approved
2. Headquarters' guarantee of debt payment of Samsung C&T India Private Limited Approved
2019-02-27 1. Sale of E&C’s Share of Rabigh 2 IPP Approved
2. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2019-01-23 1. Sale of Stakes in Han All Co., Ltd (Sacheon CC) Approved
2. Disbursement of Donations to External Organizations Approved
3. 2018 Perfomance Incentive Payment Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2018-12-19 1. Increase of Capital in Overseas Subsidiaries Approved
2. Report on the Company's Performance Evaluation and Incentive Payment for 2nd half 2018 Approved
2018-11-23 1. Additional Investment into the Turkey Gaziantep Healthcare Project Approved
2. Liquidation of Subsidiary Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
4. Approval of Donation to an External Organization Approved
2018-10-24 1. Approval of bidding for Magnama CCPP in Bangladesh Approved
2. Approval of bidding for Taweelah IPP in UAE Approved
2018-09-19 1. Approval of Payment Guarantees and Loans for Residential Complex Renewal Project Approved
2. Approval of Additional Financing Loans needed for the Urban Development Project of the Songdo Station Sphere Approved
3. Approval of Bidding for the WestConnex 3b Project in Australia Approved
2018-08-30 1. Disposal of Bulgaria Solar PJT (43MW) Equity Shares Approved
2. Disposal of Seocho Office Building Approved
3. HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2018-08-10 1. Approval for opening a new credit line for new issuance of WCX3a bank guarantees/securities Approved
2. Donation to Laos disaster relief by E&C Approved
2018-07-25 1. Approval of Additional Investment & Bond Guarantee for Dongducheon CCPP E&C Group Approved
2. Approval for Junior C&T Academy Operation Budget Approved
2018-07-04 1. The Company's performance evaluation and incentive payment for the first half of 2018 Approved
2018-05-16 1. Approval of Equity Investment under Financial Agreement and Contract Execution for Gangneung Ahnin CFPP, E&C Group Approved
2. Approval of HQ Borrowing and Guarantee for Overseas Subsidiary Approved
2018-04-25 1. Measure to increase capital for overseas subsidiaries and extension of loan gaurantee Approved
2. Measure to approve the contribution to the Foundation for Overseas Resources Development Approved
3. Measure to approve facility investment for integrated logistics center construction Approved
2018-02-28 1. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2018-02-14 1. Measure to approve bidding for the India marine bridge project Approved
2018-01-31 1. Measure to extend and increase the guarantee for the India subsidiary Approved
2018-01-24 1. Measure to approve the contract for housing projects and providing guarantee for maintenance business Approved
2. Measure to approve bidding for the the Shinahn Line double track train project Approved
3. Measure to exectute incentive payment for 2017 Approved
4. Measure to execute financial donations Approved
5. Measure to dispose of the Geumcheon Logistics Center Approved
2018-01-02 1. Measure to approve the provisional contract for the subcontract of the Gangneung Ahnin CFPP Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2017-12-19 1. Measure for the company's performance evaluation and incentive payment for the second half of 2017 Approved
2. Measure to execute financial donations Approved
2017-11-13 1. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2017-10-19 1. Measure to tender for the Singapore Tekong polder project Approved
2. Measure to tender for the Australia WestConnex 3A project Approved
3. Measure to approve extension of payment guarantees on the Gangdong complex development project Approved
4. Measure to sell a stake of the solar power project in Ontario, Canada Approved
5. Measure to sell a US offshore oil field and liquidate a subsidiary Approved
2017-09-20 1. Measure to file an arbitration request for Qatar Doha metro project Approved
2. Measure to tender for the Hong Kong Tung Chung reclamation project Approved
3. Measure to execute financial donations Approved
2017-09-06 1. Measure to provide HQ guarantees to Canada subsidiary Approved
2017-08-25 1. Measure to tender for the Singapore tunnel corridor project Approved
2. Measure to open the Bangladesh branch Approved
2017-08-16 1. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2017-07-26 1. Measure to provide HQ guarantees to India subsidiary Approved
2017-07-03 1. Measure for the company's performance evaluation and incentive payment for the first half of 2017 Approved
2017-06-27 1. Measure to provide loan and payment guarantees on housing renovation projects Approved
2. Measure for payment of the 4th long-term incentives Approved
2017-05-19 1. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2017-04-26 1. Measure to tender for the Singapore wharf project Approved
2. Measure to provide HQ guarantees to UK subsidiary Approved
2017-04-13 1. Measure to tender for the Sri Lanka power plant IPP project Approved
2. Measure to execute the 1st round of 2017 financial donations Approved
2017-03-20 1. Measure to file an arbitration request for Rabigh2 power plant project against client Approved
2. Measure to approve loan to housing co-op for housing renovation and repair projects Approved
3. Measure to increase credit guarantee limit on Roy Hill project Approved
2017-02-14 1. Measure to tender for the Sri Lanka airport expansion project Approved
2. Measure to approve loan to housing co-op for housing renovation and repair project Approved
3. Measure to conditionally withdraw cancellation of construction contract on Balkhash power plant project Approved
4. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2017-02-03 1. Measure to sign a deed of settlement for Roy Hill project with the client Approved
2017-01-23 1. Measure to sign a conditional guarantee contract on Balkhash power plant project Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2016-11-22 1. Measure to withdraw the Chile branch Approved
2. Measure to sell of the Nonhyeondong building Approved
3. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2016-10-18 1. Measure to sell a stake in Busan Newport Approved
2. Measure to reduce capital and provide guarantees on the solar power business in Bulgaria Approved
2016-08-29 1. Measure to change a schedule to exercise a put option and to cancel a construction contract on Kazakhstan Balkhash power plant project Approved
2016-08-26 1. Measure to exercise a put option on Kazakhstan Balkhash power plant project Approved
2. Measure to cancel a construction contract on Kazakhstan Balkhash power plant project Approved
2016-08-22 1. Measure to provide payment guarantees on housing renovation projects Approved
2. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2016-06-27 1. Measure to make an equity investment on Turkey Gaziantep project Approved
2016-06-22 1. Measure to sell off a stake of the wind farm in Ontario Approved
2. Measure to cancel a construction contract on Yeouido PARC 1 project Approved
3. Measure to liquidate a subsidiary in Brazil Approved
2016-06-01 1. Measure to increase loan to housing co-op for housing renovation and repair projects Approved
2. Measure to provide performance guarantees on US offshore oil field project Approved
3. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
4. Measure to change the location of the head office Approved
2016-04-27 1. Measure to change liquidator of the Taiwan branch Approved
2. Measure to exit Chile copper refining project Approved
2016-03-30 1. Measure to provide HQ guarantees to UK subsidiary Approved
2. Measure to provide payment guarantees on housing renovation projects Approved
3. Measure to establish a subsidiary in China Approved
2016-03-11 1. Measure to respond to shareholders who disagreed with the stock purchase price Approved
2016-02-29 1. Measure to amend disposal of stake conditions of Samsung Fine Chemical Approved
2016-02-24 1. Measure to cancel a subcontract agreement Approved
2. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
3. Measure to respond to shareholders who disagreed with the stock purchase price Approved
2016-01-20 1. Measure to pay long-term performance incentives Approved
2016-01-18 1. Measure in relation to mediation request with the commissioning entity Approved
2016-01-06 1. Measure in relation to performance guarantees for Malaysian RAPID project Approved
활동 내용 안내
개최일자 의안내용 가결여부
2015-12-30 1. Measure in relation to performance guarantees for Malaysian RAPID project Pending
2015-12-16 1. Measure to revise country club bylaws Approved
2. Measure in relation to HQ borrowing and HQ guarantees on overseas offices Approved
2015-11-27 1. Measure to respond to shareholders who disagreed with the stock purchase price Approved
2015-11-18 1. Measure to approve extension of performance guarantees with Korea Eximbank Approved
2. Measure to provide payment guarantees to housing renovation projects Approved
2015-10-30 1. Measure to sell a stake in Samsung Fine Chemical Approved
2015-10-16 1. Measure to change business model for Ontario's third-stage solar power project Approved
2. Measure to sign a subcontract agreement with Australia's WestConnex M5E Approved
2015-10-14 1. Measure to change business model for Ontario's third-stage solar power project Pending
2. Measure to sign a subcontract agreement with Australia's WestConnex M5E Pending
3. Measure to provide payment guarantees on housing renovation projects Approved
4. Measure to open a new branch office and replace the branch head Approved
2015-09-11 1. Measure to respond to shareholders who disagreed with the stock purchase price Approved